So how do we save our customers £700 on average over the course of a year?

If you go to any of the major switching sites like uswitch or the energy helpline, you will see that they say they can save you about £380.


So let’s say we save you £380 in January, but then we see that in four months we can save you a further £150, either because the new supplier raised their price or because we found a cheaper tariff, you will now have saved a total of £530. Since we could switch you another 2 or 3 times that year, we only have to save a further £170 to achieve a total saving of £700.


That’s why for some customers we have saved far more than £700. It will all depend on the size of your property, number of occupants and how much energy you use.


Brilliant! Just can’t understand why no one else is providing this service... thank you.

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